
Eczema is a broad term encompassing many unique conditions, including atopic dermatitis, stasis dermatitis, asteatotic dermatitis) all characterized by red, itchy, dry skin caused by inflammation. Adults and children can both develop forms of eczema. We believe that these conditions are caused by a breakdown of the skin as a barrier, making it unable to protect itself and leading to inflammation. There is a well-understood genetic component that causes immune dysfunction and a disrupted skin barrier. Breaks or defects in the skin barrier and immune system which allow germs in and moisture out. Identifying and avoiding the triggers of your eczema is fundamental to preventing flares.
There is no single test to diagnose eczema; we will ask about your symptoms, medical history, family history, and most importantly conduct a complete skin exam to determine if you have eczema. Good skin care, modification of your skincare routine, and potential lifestyle changes are some possible first steps to treating your condition.
If you would like information about potential treatments for your specific medical concern, or would like additional information about our complete offering of dermatological and aesthetic services, we invite you to contact our office today. We look forward to hearing from you and developing an individually-tailored treatment plan that will optimize your health and well-being.